Page Contents
- Registration
– Which user role should I choose?
– What if I forget my password?
– Can I change my user details?
– What if I change my email address?
– How do I deal with staff changes?- Sale events
– What is an electronic tender?
– What is the volume preference for?
– Can anyone else see my bid?
– How do I know if my bid has been submitted?
– How are winners selected?- Legal stuff
– Do I still need to sign a contract?- Technical Issues
– My internet connection is very slow and documents take ages to download
– What do I do if I have technical questions?
When you register on behalf of a business, you be given the role of a bidder. If you are the first person to register on behalf of your Company you will also be assigned the role of Company Administrator.
Bidder This user role is intended for timber purchasers only. A bidder has access to sale event details, contract documentation, maps and sale results, and need to bid or purchase timber. Bidders must be registered with an associated company and will receive e-mail notification of events which meet the users country and product preferences.
Company Viewer This user role is intended for contract managers, timber valuers and contractors. The Company Administrator will create user accounts for their company which have the role of “Viewer”. Choose viewer if you need access to sale event details, contract documentation, maps and sale results, but do not need to bid or purchase timber. Viewers that are registered with an associated company will receive e-mail notification of any events to which their company is invited.
Note : There is an option to see details of all current sale events by using the Current Sales Events option on the eSales Homepage. This can be accessed by anyone who is not registered for eSales or associated with a company.
Company Administrator There will be one username for each company designated with the role of Company Administrator. The first user registering for a company will be given this role; however, it can be re-assigned to another username. The Company Administrator need not be a Bidder. This role will be responsible for creation of new user accounts for the company and will also be able to disable an account where the user has left the company.
If you forget your password, click on the appropriate link (on the login page), enter your username (this is your full e-mail address), click “Look Up Password”. A password reminder will then be e-mailed to you.
Yes : If at any time you wish to change your user details you can do this by logging in and selecting “Manage Your Account” from the Activity Centre dashboard. You may change any of your user details with the exception of your user role. If you would like to change your user role, please contact your company administrator.
Your email address is your username, primarily because it should be easy to remember and is guaranteed to be unique to you.
However if for any reason your email address changes (for example if you change your internet service provider) please contact BIP Helpdesk, who can easily make the changes to your user name for you.
Your Company Administrator will have responsibility for creation of new usernames for your company.
If a member of staff leaves your company, your Company Administrator can suspend their username to prevent the account being accessed.
The format of our electronic tenders is exactly the same as the traditional paper tender the academic description being: “a simultaneous, first-price, sealed-bid auction” (terms defined below).
Simultaneous: all lots are presented for bidding at the same time (rather than one after another).
First Price: the winner pays his/her own bid price
Sealed Bid: bids are confidential and cannot be viewed by anyone other than the bidder prior to closure; winning bid prices are not published following the sale.
The volume preference allows bidders to specify the desired maximum quantity of a particular product they wish to purchase. This allows bidders to bid on all lots that are of interest, without the risk of purchasing more timber than is required.
Only users linked to your Company, can see your Company bids until an event closes. Once the sale has closed, only the event owner and reviewer have access to bid information for the purpose of winner selection.
There are 3 ways of confirming that your bid has been successfully submitted.
Timber Sales page After you have clicked on the ‘Submit Bids’ button, when you return to the Timber Sales page, you will see confirmation that bids have been submitted and date/time of submission. If you re-open a sale event in which you have previously bid, your bids will be displayed against the relevant lot(s). While the event is still open for bidding, previous bids on the event may be withdrawn, then updated and re-submitted.
Activity Log The activity log for each user will clearly show details of the event and date/time the user submitted their bids for the event.
Email Confirmation After you have clicked on the “Submit Bids” button, you will receive email confirmation which will summarise all bids submitted on the event.
Tenders: Manual selection – The event owner selects the winners after the closing date & time is reached. Normally the bidder with the highest bid (subject to the reserve price being reached) will be selected as the winner. In the event of two bids being equal, the time of bidding may be taken into account, with the first bid submitted being selected as the winner. Once the event owner has selected the winners, these will be submitted for review prior to the contract being awarded.
No. Your acceptance of the terms and conditions of sale has been built in to the registration, login and bidding process. This is designed to simplify the process of buying timber so, once a sale has been concluded and you have been notified, you will have access to all of the sale documentation. But there is no requirement for you to send signed copies back to us.
We have tried to minimise the size of documents as much as possible but recognise that users with slow internet connections may have difficulty downloading certain documents.
Here are a few tips to help minimise on download time.
Please contact our helpdesk using the following details:
Email :